Saturday, 21 May 2011

S.A says no to change

South Africa showed once again its loyalty to the A.N.C was unrivaled. I just hope they start delivering what they promised their respective voters. A member of the A.N.C youth league once said "Any one who dreams of  becoming a president, has to join the A.N.C" many people from different parties have dismissed this statement. When the results were released it absolutely ascertained that particular member. I hate talking about politics but I want to be part of the change and growth of this country, I guess this means I am a patriot. I don't like the past but I always look to the future because that will ultimately be your past.

Whoever wins the election does not determine the success of the individual, we all owe it to ourselves and our country to habour the best interest of this nations. We will talk about this once again in the next elections its bye for now.   

Thursday, 19 May 2011


Finally having a chance to have a say in the governance of this country, I cast my first vote, one of many to come. Voting station would be the ideal place to start in this journey. The was no behaviour problems at the station, though there was frustration from the voters. The I.E.C needs to manage the stations better, it is not a nice sight seeing people cut in, just because they know the officials. The voting station seemed like a bar, outside the door way there were people who are not even voting. Whether a first time voter or have been doing it your whole life, its all the same. Do not think I am some guy trying to criticize the I.E.C lord knows I am not, but how I see it, its how I call it.

Casting my vote was the easy part of this whole process. To be absolutely honest( though redundant) I had no clue who the ward Councillor was, so I stuck to just voting for a party instead. Perhaps I should not even had cast that ballot paper in the first place, but then again I was curious to take part in this ritual that our nation men died for. I am not in the business of propaganda, so I will not talk about the different parties. It is said, "my vote is my confidence" I have a duty to keep it secret, I would not want laws to go unused.

It takes an individual to make a difference I am glad I am not just a negative statistic.

Tuesday, 10 May 2011


It is sad to hear that the are people out there that get pleasure in seeing young children suffer. Whether its a psychiatric problem or a childhood background problem I DON'T CARE. It seekens me thinking a grown man, trusted family member or freind could be as sadistic as mere psychotic criminal. Children need to be protected not only by the parents but by the gorvernment and given the means to be able to protect themselves. I don't care how messed up this world but, the fact that a mother must worry when leaving her children with their father as if she left them with a stranger and fear they will be violated. The government should send a message to all peverts out there, we will not tolerate such despicable act in our country. I thimk 5 years imprisonment can not be sufficient punishment for a crime of this magnitude. It is not only a sexual crime but a clear human right violation act. Children need to told should anyone no matter the age can not touch their private body parts. Failure to do so can lead to heavy incarseration. Impower the child at a young age so that they can impower themselves in the future. Whether a Child molester, Pedophile or Faggot, they can all burn in HELL!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Wednesday, 4 May 2011

Intergration South Africa

I was stuck inside the train this morning, as usual, just beyond Heideveld station and I noticed something that has never bothered me before. On my left side was Heideveld and my right, Gugulethu. What separated these two places was not just the railway line, but it was a racial separation between "coloureds" and "blacks" suddenly I remembered what a boy said to my freind, Ndira, in high school, "Hulle behoort nie hier nie"(they do not belong here), if you asked that boy where do they belong he would have probably said, Khayelitsha. It is clear to me that the racial boundries within this country still exist. It is a sad realisation, because I have "coloured" freinds and they have become like brothers to me.

Intergration in S.A. is a neglected issue, sure we go to the same school, attend the same hospitals, so tell me why cant we live together, so we can learn from each other. After all didn't we say our greatest strength came from our diversity? Perhaps I am mumbling rubbish or perhaps not, but I think we should not be empowering black, coloured or pink communities but disadvantage communities for all South Africans. (^_^)