Wednesday, 20 July 2011

S.A struck by strike

With global economy still vulnerable, due to the effects of the recession, South Africa is at it again. The last 4 year have been ravaged by annual strikes. The current strike however will have a major effect on fuel prices. With unrest in the Arab nations, fuel prices where already under pressure with 16%of the world oil in War stricken Libya.

Embarking on such a strike could prove beneficial at the end for the service station businesses. The people who are currently roaming the streets singing protest songs will be singing hunger songs when they are working for striking penalties. The union however will not adjust membership prices, they will get their money's worth. I am not implying a union propaganda against the people. I am merely implying further scrutiny be given, after all, nothing happens without reason. Why would they choose this time to embark on protest. I just hope for the workers sake it is not a pact striving to teach the government a lesson. Perhaps they are preparing for the retrenchments walmart will cause. Perhaps they are striving for the good of the people.

As a future worker expressing his freedom of expression as stated in the bill of rights. I am highly concerned about the decision making process in an organization that would amicably affect the state of my financial affairs. Perhaps I write with no real knowledge or as an innovative young mind striving to make this country of ours a bit better.